You Have Four New Messages

I’ve decided that this blog will deal largely in worthless complaints I have regarding the internet, so as to paint myself as a crotchety old man shaking his fist at websites and scowling. This way things will be kept nice and accurate.
Today’s whining is directed towards (link provided), which I’ve kept as my homepage since leaving America Online back in 1822. Every e-mail address I’ve had since forwards right back there, so I know right when I start up Firefox if I have stuff to sift through and throw away because it wants me to buy penis enlargement drugs.
I woke up to four such messages this morning, read them, and promptly deleted them because I have better things to do. Things that don’t require an artificially enlarged penis. But then later upon returning to Yahoo, the front page still says I have mail.

And whenever I hover my mouse pointer over this message…
Screw you, Tim, you don’t have mail! I don’t know why you hovered your mouse pointer over that message, you look like such a fool. Here’s a man in a purple sweater vest who thinks you’re a total jerk. Have fun staring into his cold, lifeless eyes every six seconds because you can’t help but check your inbox just in case over and over and over. Go to hell. Sincerely,