My Friend Ryan Sosa

My friend RYAN SOSA is or was a great guy or girl. He or she possesses or possessed numerous traits that make or made him or her an asset to my circle of friends. Every day I think to myself, “That RYAN SOSA is or was some fellow or feminine alternative to fellow. I am…

You Have Four New Messages

I’ve decided that this blog will deal largely in worthless complaints I have regarding the internet, so as to paint myself as a crotchety old man shaking his fist at websites and scowling. This way things will be kept nice and accurate.   Today’s whining is directed towards (link provided), which I’ve kept as…

Pitchfork? More like PITCHfork!

Today I logged onto Pitchfork Media to check out the latest in triple ironic self-aware snark regarding the latest in cool kid music, and a third of my screen was taken up by this iPod ad. A woman with a backpack was shimmying to and fro having a gay old time atop the headlines and…