Donkey Kong Brings Much Shame

I wonder if Donkey Kong and Bowser know each other. It’s true that they ended up kicking each other’s ass in Super Smash Brothers, but that was just because everyone from everywhere was kicking each other’s ass. In the regular old Mario universe, I don’t think anyone mentions that the princess was once captured by…

My Inbox

Today I cleaned out my inbox for the first time. I’ve had the same e-mail address for about a decade and have never really done a full sweep of it, so I had to sift through well over twelve hundred individual messages to see if anything was important or worth keeping.   None of it…

I’m So Tired Have Some Drawings

My Sketchbox currently has dozens and dozens of stupid drawings, and 99% of them are just heads. I can’t draw worth anything, but I can usually make a face and surround it with some lines that will make it look something similar to a living being. Not necessarily one you’ve seen before, but living none…

Big Dumb Somethings Are Better Than Big Dumb Nothings

I don’t update this blog enough. I’ve been writing things to post here in a word processor, but they just end up incredibly long and overblown, yet unfinished. I’m like a big time rock band that gets into making six-minute epics with no point, like everything on the third album from Oasis – only not…