Big Dumb Somethings Are Better Than Big Dumb Nothings

I don’t update this blog enough. I’ve been writing things to post here in a word processor, but they just end up incredibly long and overblown, yet unfinished. I’m like a big time rock band that gets into making six-minute epics with no point, like everything on the third album from Oasis – only not totally fucking awesome (and I dare you to tell me that making songs that sound like hurricanes made of guitars isn’t totally fucking awesome).
The fact is, if I’m going to get any better at writing, something I’ve been out of practice at for several years, I need to actually write. So that’s what I’m going to do.
Tomorrow I’m going to come up with a worthwhile post, and actually post it. For real, no fooling. Until then here’s a hurricane:

So awesome/stupid/awesome.