First Post – Let’s Educate Ourselves

The fake word “blog” is the last four letters of the real word “weblog,” which is a log kept and maintained on the web, also known as the world wide internet. The internet is a large system of people with terrible ideas, like coining aggressively goofy phrases that represent very important social networking tools and concepts seemingly so nobody in their right minds will take them seriously. This is the world in which we live.
The really, really stupid world.
Obnoxious people can ruin just about anything, particularly because they do so as a collective. One jackass can bring you down at a party, but if he has two or more friends along with him, then you begin to believe you’re at a jackass party – a party for jackasses. This isn’t necessarily the case, obviously, but the mind often puts things in terms of popularity. If something seems to have been popularized by a bunch of dopes, then clearly it’s dopey.
I’m a graphic artist by trade, meaning in this case that I have a degree in Digital Media. I’ve yet to use said degree in a full-time job, which is a fact that I would very much like changed. Utilizing this blog as a resting place for all future projects would build up a nice back log of finished, viewable work quite nicely. Blogging becomes, in essence, a necessary evil. Or at least a somewhat helpful evil. Those are the best kinds of evil.
I also enjoy writing things that are vaguely amusing. Back in the first paragraph – when I used the term “world wide internet”? There’s a part of me that thinks that’s hilarious. And only because it’s a phrase that’s a tiny bit awkward. Other things I’ve written include an older, much worse blog on, which I will not link to here because, as I said, it’s much worse. In addition to that, I posted a pseudo web comic to the site as well, the original version of which you can find here. Its new home will be on this site, though, as I’ve not-so-creatively used the same name.
With any luck, regularly loading this website up with content will help me to gain skill in both of these areas, increasing quality and quantity of output. I want to do the things I enjoy, well and consistently. This is my goal. To educate myself.
With Gusto.