My Friend Ryan Sosa

My friend RYAN SOSA is or was a great guy or girl. He or she possesses or possessed numerous traits that make or made him or her an asset to my circle of friends. Every day I think to myself, “That RYAN SOSA is or was some fellow or feminine alternative to fellow. I am glad to have or have had him or her around. Boy howdy, life would not be the same without him or her there to confide in or is not the same now that he or she is deceased.”
Every time I hang or hung out with RYAN SOSA, he or she always has or had such interesting things to say. We could converse or gossip for hours on end about a wide range of subjects, including entertainment, politics and our various personal concerns. Our dealings with other human beings gain or gained new perspective and clarity whenever we exchange or exchanged anecdotes.
I remember this one time.
But perhaps I have said too much. In all honesty, RYAN SOSA needs or needed to be experienced to be believed. He or she is or was a shining light. An invigorating presence. Something these clumsy words struggle to describe. I am truly glad to have him or her around or saddened to learn of his or her gruesome demise.

Ryan Sosa